Sunrise at the Beach
by Katrina Gunn
Buy the Original Painting
10.000 x 10.000 inches
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Sunrise at the Beach
Katrina Gunn
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
The sunrise turns the sky yellow, while the bright white light of early morning breaks through the purple and pink clouds, as the blue waves continue to lap at the shore as they always do, with the endless patience of the sea.
July 14th, 2021
Comments (15)
Gary F Richards
Spectacular Sunrise at the Beach composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted
Gary F Richards
Spectacular Sunrise at the Beach composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted
Gary F Richards
Spectacular Sunrise at the Beach composition, lighting, shading, beautiful colors and artwork! F/L voted
Gary F Richards
Spectacular Beach Sunrise composition, lighting, shading, lovely warm colors and artwork! F/L voted
Beryl Jasper
Congrats !! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in THE PAINTING LOGGIA group. You may archive your image in “Features 2022- Archives” and any other thread in which the artwork fits. Thanks for sharing.
Gary F Richards
Outstanding beach composition, lighting, shading, sunrise colors and artwork! F/L voted
Gary F Richards
Outstanding sky composition, lighting, shading, beautiful color and artwork! F/L…voted for this piece in the contest SKY!
Alena Vishina
Is this watercolours? I really love this colour combination - absolutely reminds me of an evening on a beach, with the last rays of sun lookin through the clouds...
Donna Mibus
I am tempted to say "where's the flamingo?" lol This is lovely. Great finish for the challenge!